Tuesday, June 26, 2012

love GIANT Blog Lady of the 3,000 Views + 1 Blogpost

Hello world.
Okay that was a really bad opening. Like Lil' Wayne deciding to be a Rapper. Anyways before i get to the strawberry of this post, i hve to explain the chocolate cover first:
When i started this whole "love GIANT Blog Lady of the 1,000 Views" series,  i wanted to handle it like this:
Everytime, when this blog cracks the 1,000 View mark, i'll name a new "Lady of the 1,000 Views". The problem is just, that i orientated myself on the counter to your left. There was i time where i had over 2,000 Views once, but they dropped at one point below the 1,000 View mark. So that counter resets after a certain time.
But a few weeks ago, i discovered that it is possible, to display how many views this Blog has OVERALL. Damn, the internetz is so fascinating sometimes, isn't it?
As i write this sentence, this blog has got 4.850 views (thanks to all of you guys, by the way.)
So i'm going to handle it like before: Everytime this Blog cracks the 1,000 View mark, i'll name a "Lady of the 1,000 Views", but i'm going to measure it on the overall mark, since this makes more sense then looking at a resetting viewcounter, right?
And just one more thing: I guess you do know, that i'm the "i only love all asian ladies" love GIANT, so i guess you know what kind of people get this prize, right? Exactly. Only real LADIES->  ASIAN LADIES, so those who deserve it.

And now, without further adieu i bring you: The "love GIANT Blog Lady of the 3,000 Views"...

The Ladies of the 1,000 and 2,000 Views were both actresses, so this time i decided to give the title to a singer. As u may have guessed, is beautiful... and a japanese pop singer. Of course she doesn't only produce music, she's also a voice actor in various Anime. Here is a list of the Anime she was featured in (wether as voice actor and/or as theme Song performer: http://myanimelist.net/people/27/Yukari_Tamura
I assume that most of you watched "Naruto" at least once. As u can see, she's doing the voice acting for "Tenten" and that's one reason why Tenten was and still is one of my favourite Characters in "Naruto".

But now to the more important stuff: The music.

She released her first Album (actually Mini-Album) called "What's new, pussycat?" on September, 26th 1997. Since i want to feed you with only good stuff and correct informations i looked it up on wikipedia and it says, that this Album is no longer being printed. But hey, we got the technologies and the possibilities. Combine them and u get the Internet and probably the idea.
Maybe u know her from my japanese Rap Album 「スラムフンク」, where i sampled her Track "君へ (Kimi e)" which was available on her fifth Single called "眠れぬ夜につかまえて (Nemurenu Yoru ni tsukamaete.)"
The thing is, that she has such an amazing voice. You just have to listen to one Track from her and you know what i mean. It's just simply beautiful, there's really no way to describe it. As far as i know, her most famous Song outside of Japan is "Love parade". Never heard of it? I know a way to change this:

U see and HEAR what i mean? Her voice is probably the "tullest" thing i've ever heard. So it's not much of a surprise that i own almost every Single as well as every single Album from her.
My personal favourite Songs? I guess (君へ "Kimi e"), "Sparkle with delight", 上海夜曲 ("Shanhai Yakyoku"), "Love parade", "Love countdown", "Black dahlia", "Oshiete A to Z" plus all the other ones i forgot.

With that being said;
Congratulations ゆかり田村!!!

And now, as a little "Aftershow party": A Blogpost

I'm gonna keep this one short and sweet, like... no everything that comes to my head is to dirty to name it, even though it would fit the following. I might as well just say it, since i have to wash this Blog after the following anyways. No, i won't.
I like to keep track of how people get to my blog. Like which tags do the use or which pages linked my Blog, stuff like that. After i posted the probably last german Post "EAT MY BOWELS!", i checked the tags people used to get on my blog and... well... just look at it:

(Click to view original size)
Okay here is the translation plus a little Statement from myself:
Oh yeah, i mentioned jjgirls as a source in one of my posts, but his doesn't make me a bad person... and no, i'm not easily bilious... jerk
"kelch zwei gesichter"
Translates to "cup 2 faces". The one post where i referred to the new YouTube Channel design and this "tilted image" with the 2 faces and 1 cup reminding me of what? Yes, what else? The new YouTube Channel design which looks like? Come on, you know it already.
Translates to "tilted image", see above.
"nicht schwimmen kann"
Roughly translates to "not being able to swim". I still don't understand why this would lead someone to my Blog and i don't even know how to make fun of it so... next!
"filehoster ohne captcha" + "free file hoster"
Translates to "Filehoster without captcha". Probably related to my in-depth analysis about 3 certain Filehoster. But seriously: Why bothering searching for file hoster, who don't require a captcha? You have to be lucky to even find a file hoster, which doesn't require a premium (or as i say, "Bieber") account to download files, in the first place.
"i love giants.blogspot.de"
No... just no. This is not "desperate lonely women.blogspot" neither is this "i am so unlucky with my sexual life, so i want to cheat on my husband, the man i'm looking for should also be able to get this vacuum to f*** this cake". So: NO!

What? Oh yeah, thanks for mentioning, i forgot the one before "free file hoster". Thanks, i really forgot it...
I have to warn you, there are things you DON'T need or DON'T want to know and this is one of 'em. The tag before "free file hoster" translates to...
"women shitting"
This is not just a NO. This is a "Justin Bieber has decided to Sing "NO". How in the name of feces can this... no. I'm gonna go now, take a chemistry bath and pretend that this never happened.
I see you in the next Blogpost!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

That's gay... no, it really is

Since it seems that i'm going to write my future posts in english, (3:0 so far. That means if one person votes for "Yes", i could show the result to Dirk Nowitzki from the Mavericks. He has to be familiar with the outcome 4:0.) i'm going to give you an example of how it feels to read a post from the "i only love all asian ladies" love GIANT:

*NOTE: Before i start i want to let you guys know, that i'm NOT an enemy of homosexuality. If you happen to be homosexual, please don't feel offended.

I guess you guys are all familiar with the movie "Brokeback Mountain", right? Well. I never watched it, but my mother did. And after she watched it, she was like "Hey, you really should check it out, it's an awesome movie." I was like "Dafuq? You are german since when do you speak english so fluently?"
Wait... 1st horrible pun that no one will laugh about: [V] Done.
Now let me get this bi... sorry i meant "straight": As i said, i have nothing against homosexual people. As long as they don't try to get on to me, i'm fine with them. As vash12349 said: "Whatever lights your candle", right? But to get to the point. I also use to say "I don't care what they do in their bedrooms" and this is exactly why i am NOT going to watch this movie.
I only know that it involves 2 cowboys on the countryside... Sorry but i have to do this:
First up:

And second down:
They can be glad that this movie or story took part in the usa and not in England, let alone in Llanddewi Brefi, since there is only one gay in the village:

Okay. This movie is about 2 gay cowboys and everybody knows it and thinks it's the 1 priest 1 nun (in a positive way, though.)
My question: Did any movie with lesbian content have a big impact so far? Why only a gay movie?
Okay. You know what? You know that i'm the "i only love all asian ladies" love GIANT and i like to swim against the stream. If anyone has contacts with Hollywood i want you guys to send the following wallpaper to them- the love GIANT version of "Brokeback Mountain" which would probably look like this:

(Click to view the original size)
(Screenshot from LADY-064 おねえさんといっしょ♪ )

This is what the world's been missing. Talk about it! Now! I demand it!

Homosexual content in Manga/Anime

I remember i had a discussion with a good friend of mine (yes, he still is.) It was at the time where i was watching an ENORMOUS amount of Anime. We were talking about that there is a SHIT TON of Yaoi Manga out there (Yaoi=Manga/Anime or Hentai that is all about "Boys love".) I mean it is really impossible.
I'm a huge fan of Yuri, (Yuri=Manga/Anime or Hentai that is all about "Girls love".) i own about 6 Yuri Mangas and that's pretty much everything you can get here in germany. You can't even get them in the stores you have to purchase them via AMAZON.
Yaoi? It's the exact opposite. You just have to check out the Manga section in your local bookstore. It's probably overloaded with current Naruto, One Piece, etc. volumes, but i can guarantee you, that you will be able to find some Yaoi Manga in there, but not one Yuri Manga.
The only explanation for this overflowing Manly flower-power i can come up with, is that the Fanpage is as huge as the amount of air in Justin Biebers head. If you compare it to the Yuri-Fanbase, it's like comparing Michael Jackson's popularity with BLAHRMY (an awesome Japanese Rap group.)
BUT! If you get overfilled with this double-rainbow pinkness, then it's no freaking wonder, that it became this popular.
As u might already know i like to flow against the stream, even if i can't swim, which is quite an accomplishment. And just to prove, that i'm not the only one who feels that way, then check this out:

To conclude this Post: The gay community has a movie with a fanbase as huge as a horse's you-know-what and Manga's up the ass, but this doesn't go for the counter-part, the lesbian community...

No wonder that gays are sometimes being treaded like second class. And no wonder that i'm going to recieve a 1 priest 1 nun ton of flames in the comments below (feel free to share your opinions.)

Monday, June 18, 2012


As u might now, i usually write the Posts on my Blog in german. But since i've discovered that many of my readers come from the USA, (maybe because of the sites were i do some advertising to my Blog) i thought about writing future Posts in English. If u want this to happen, then click on "yes" on the right side of this page at the poll "Should i post future Posts in english?" and then click on "Abstimmen" to make the magic happen. It's up to you guys, i am like a chaelon, i can accomondate myself to the majority.
(The Vote is open until the end of the month)

Sunday, June 17, 2012


Der nun folgende Post soll KEIN Angriff aus Fußball und/oder Fans werden, sondern lediglich auf die Gesamtsituation.
Also nehmt diesen Post bitte nicht persönlich. Ich wollte mich einfach mal frei auskosten und das wird ja noch erlaubt sein. Danekschön.

Juhu! OH WIE GEIL IST DAS DENN? YES! Die Fußball EM hat begonnen! Wie? Ihr habt das noch nicht mitbekommen? Das wundert mich, denn diese Information wird doch rumgereicht wie damals die Amtsherbegung im 3. Reich.
Im Fernsehen, im Internet, im Freundeskreis ÜBER F'IN ALL hört man darüber. Und für jemanden der einen großen "1 priest 1 nun" auf Fußball legt ist es kaum in Worte zu fassen wie GROßARTIG es ist überall mit Informationen zu diesem Haufen *Zensur* bombadiert zu werden.
Kleiner Gedankenflug: Meine Mutter mag' Fußball genauso wenig wie ich. Ich hatte neulich eine Unterhaltung mit ihr darüber und sie hat einen Satz gesagt den sie damals bei der WM oder ABC oder XYZ oder ADAC schon losgelassen hat:
"Mich interessiert nur, ob Deutschland gewinnt, ansonsten ist es mir auch egal."
So. Meine Frage: Wenn man auf Fußball einen großen "1 priest 1 nun" legt, WAS bringt es dann, zu wissen das Deutschland gewinnt oder nicht? Oder noch viel wichtiger: WAS bringt es im allgemeinen?
Szenario: Ich schnappe irgendwo auf, das Deutschland gewinnt (man wird damit ja zwangsläufig konfrontiert. Meine Reaktion: Zitat von Big L:
Wenn ich mich nicht für Fußball interessiere, interessiert es mich auch nicht wenn, ob, wie und überhaupt Deutschland gewinnt oder nicht. WAS bringt es MIR?
Gibt es dadurch mehr Frieden auf der Welt? Nein
Kriegen wir damit die Euro Krise in den Griff? Nein
Geht dadurch RTL off-air? Nein
Werden wir dadurch Justin Bieber los?  Nein
Krieg' ich dadurch endlich 'ne Asian lady? Nein

Na? Bringt es mir was? NEIN

Ich erwähne es nochmal: Wenn ihr Fußball mögt, dann ist das in Ordnung, ehrlich. Mir geht es nur gegen die Zwille wenn man auf jedem Fernsehsender und von jeder X-Biliebigen Person damit zugemüllt wird.
Also wenn ihr feieren wollt, das Deutschland gewonnen hat oder wer auch immer, dann macht das, habt Spaß dabei ABER:
Informiert mich nicht darüber und tut es möglichst weit weg von mir. Danke.

Naja, wir werden das schon gemeinsam durchstehen, liebe Freunde... irgendwie.

Eine Sache hab' ich im Eifer gerade vergessen: Ich persönlich bin ein großer NBA Fan. Warum wird darüber eigentlich nicht berichtet? Die NBA Finals zwischen den Miami Heat und Oklahoma City Thunder laufen grade, habt ihr das gewusst? Nein? Das überrascht mich recht wenig...

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

☆せいこ(王)☆ New Song (DOWNLOAD 4 FREE!)

I'm going to post this one in English.
Since my little "rant"... wait why "rant"? Let's say: Since the truth in my last post, where i was talking about the sillyness of today's mainstream "music", i decided to do a little track against Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga. Download it, and share the video with your friends to revive real music!

Downloadlink->  http://depositfiles.com/files/ls1za5fth

And for those of you, who didn't know: You can download my new Album "スラムフンク", where i rap in japanese and english for free, too.
Check it out
-> .rar http://depositfiles.com/files/wrqq5dhbv
-> .zip http://depositfiles.com/files/u284zw88c

JUSTIN B, くそったれGAGA 二つのださい
おい!JUSTIN B, くそったれGAGA きって!
それが MUSIC,ただ聞く
JUSTIN B, くそったれGAGA!音楽が線祖をいみすう,そしてくそくらえ

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

(Song of the moment) Klassischer C-Pop: 鄭智化 「星星點燈」

Wie ihr sicherlich wisst, bin ich ein großer Fan von Musik. Also RICHTIGE Musik. Ich rede nicht von irgendwelchen Nie-Pubertierenden Heulsusen, die denken, das Wort "Geschlechtsverkehr" hätte etwas mit der Geschlechtlichen Ausrichtung verschiedener Automarken zu tun.
Ich rede auch nicht von irgendwelchen Hampelmännern, die meinen sie würden rappen, wenn sie die ganze Zeit wie eine schlechte Hulk Hogan Kopie "YOUUUUUUUUUUUUU" schreien.
Oder von irgendwelchen Frauen mit Lulu Zwischen den Beinen, die mit hilfe von Autotuned "roawrrroawawr" ins Mikrofon murmeln.
Nein. Ich bin wirklich der Meinung, das man WAHRE Musik mittlerweile nur noch im Asiatischen Raum findet (Japanischer Rap, Japanischer Pop sowie Chinesischer Rap und Chinesischer Pop.) Ich persönlich habe aufgehört amerikanische Musik zu hören, als man anfing, Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber, Soulja Boy und Lil' Wayne als "Musiker" zu bezeichnen.
Und daher kommt die Idee vom "Song of the moment" auf diesem Blog: ich stelle euch in unregelmäßigen Abständen (deswegen übr. "Song of the MOMENT" und nicht etwa "of the Month, week etc.) einen Song vor, welcher mir seit kurzer, oder eben auch längerer Zeit schon im Kopf herumgeistert. Unter anderem versuche ich damit auch eine Musikrichtung, die außerhalb von Asien zu unrecht großflächig unbekannt und somit auch ungehört ist, der breiten Masse zu präsentieren. Wer hört hierzulande schon groß Musik, die aus China oder Japan kommt? Gut, japanischen Pop und Rock vielleicht noch aber Chinesischen Pop? Eben.
Schon mal vorneweg: Ich kann euch nur raten, euch die Songs, die ich euch in dieser Rubrik vorstelle euch wirklich mal komplett anzuhören. Ihr bereut es auf keinen Fall, wenn ihr wirklich noch auf ECHTE Musik steht, dann solltet ihr euch die Zeit nehmen und euch die Songs mal anhören. Was habt ihr groß zu verlieren?
Also, den Anfang macht...

鄭智化 星星點燈

Chinesischer Pop ist das Stichwort.
Gerade nach chinesischem Pop bin ich in letzter Zeit süchtig geworden (was sich teils auch auf meinem LAST.FM Profil bemerkbar macht.)
Und daher rührt auch der erste "Song of the moment": Ich habe vor längerer Zeit einen UNGLAUBLICH genialen Song bei EvilDark's League of Legends Stream auf Twitch.tv gehört. Größtenteils hat er Japnischen Pop am laufen und da sich zeitgetreuer japanischer Pop im vergleich zu etwas älterem chinesischen Pop differenziert, hat sich gerade dieser Song in meine Gehörgänge eingenistet (ich verweise auf die Spongebob Folge, in der es um Ohrwürmer geht.)
Ich bin dann auf EvilDark's Grooveshark Account aufmerksam geworden und hab' seine Playlists durchforstet, doch eben jenen Song nicht gefunden (das war, wenn ich mich recht erinnere, kurz bevor die "GEMA Kacken" Grooveshark in Deutschland gesperrt hatte.)
Gestern... oder heute früh habe ich einen erneuten Anlauf gestartet (es gibt ja nette Add-Ons für google Chrome, mit denen man weiterhin auf Grooveshark zugreifen kann) UND ICH HAB' DEN SONG NACH ETWA EINEM HALBEN JAHR GEFUNDEN!

WIE SEHR ich diesen Song liebe sieht man zum Beispiel daran, dass ich dieses Video auf meinem YouTube Channel als Vorgestelltes Video auf Auto-Play hab und zudem macht sich natürlich auch auf meinem LAST.FM Profil... doch relativ deutlich bemerkbar:
 (Zum vergrößern Bild anklicken)

Ja... ich würde sagen, ein Bild sagt mehr als 1000 Worte, was?
Der Artist heißt "鄭化", Ausgesprochen etwa "Teika" und der Song "星星點燈", ausgesprochen etwa "Zh zh dien dang". Dem Musikvideo nach zu urteilen scheint dieser Song wohl ein Klassiker der Chinesischen Pop Musik zu sein, da das Video schon etwas älter zu sein scheint.
Warum sabbel ich eigentlich so viel? Hört euch an, wie genial ECHTE MUSIK klingt:

Was haltet ihr von dem Song? Lasst es mich in den Comments wissen.