Wednesday, February 20, 2013

日本の。。。 Update!

I have a major update concerning my upcoming Mini-Album 日本の。。。
The Album is almost done! I just have to write one more verse for one Track and record it.
Plus, i have to produce one Song. After i've done that, it's basically done.
What is already done is the Artwork and the Tracklist. This is how it's going to look like:

The Cover

The Tracklist
(These Tracks are all going to be on the Album, but i'm probably gonna shuffle them a bit around before i release the Album.)

And to make you a little bit hot for the Album i wanted to talk a little bit about the Album, the single Tracks and what you can expect from this Album in general.
First things first: All Tracks on this Album are going to be in japanese. And that's not just the case for the Lyrics, but also for the Beats. Each Track is recorded and performed by myself. The Beats are also done by myself and there are no featuring acts.
This Album is something that i always wanted to do: I'm a HUGE Fan of traditional japanese Music. Enka, Shamisen Music, Biwa Music etc.. And in this Album i tried to take samples from traditional japanese Music and merge them with Rap Music. So besides simple drums you are going to hear lots of traditional japanese instruments in the background (shamisen, biwa, flutes, shakuhachi, etc..)
I also used some samples from Enka singers (one from the Biwa master herself "Tsurata Kinshi") and let them sing alongside a basic Rap drum.
So yeah, japanese Rap is my most favorite Music, i only listen to this nowadays. But what i like the most, is if they use traditional japanese instruments in their Tracks, which happens way to less, in my opinion and with this Album i'm trying to change that a bit.
And now i want to talk a little bit about the single Tracks. What they are about and what you can expect from them.

01 イントロ (INTRO)
Runtime: 02:58
This Song is to get into the Album. It has no drums, snares or anything. It's just me rapping over a looped shamisen sound, played by the master "Takahashi Chikuzan".
You can kinda compare this Track to "Keepin' it real" from my previous Album.

Runtime: 3:14
I already released this Track several months ago on my YouTube Channel. It was just a little diss track against mainstream "Artists" namely Lil' Wayne, Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber.
In this Track i kinda went "overseas" and took a sample from China and looped it. So this Track features chinese music instruments.

03 私、僕、俺 (I, I, I)
Runtime: 3:52
These are the three different pronounciations for "I": The "formal" one, the "manly" one and the "rude" one.
This is a Track where i tell everyone who i am and i manifest my love towards asia.

04 日本の。。。 (Japan's...)
Runtime: 13:35
As i write this i can tell you that i haven't produced this Track yet, but i already know what it is going to contain:
This Track is going to contain a "standardish" drum-kit. I'm probably going to add some shamisen and shakuhachi sounds.
I'm not going to rap on this Track at all. I will add some Enka singers on this Track. Usually traditional Enka features one singer, who is playing an instrument by her- or hisself. And sometimes there isn't much music in the background, so i'm going to merge traditional japanese Enka singers with modern Rap music on this one.

Runtime: 6:18
Just me, representing my Label "MURDERVILLE." I'm gonna tell you how i tick, where i stand in the clique and i'm also gonna talk about the rest of the Crew.
The chorus however, is sung by a japanese Enka singer. And on verse 2, you also hear "Tsurata Kinshi" on the Biwa and on the Microphone, as well. I think you'r going to be surprised how "modern" traditional 
japanese music can sound like.

06 It's 大K (It's OOK)
I know, it's a bad pun. You spell "大" as "Oo" and it basically stands for something big.
This is a more heavy track, where i have no clear topic, i'm just rapping what comes into my mind to a more heavy kind of Beat. This one contains hard drums and shamisen sounds.

Yep. That's all. On this Album i'm trying to show you how good traditional japanese music sounds like. All in all it's a merge between traditional japanese music and "modern" japanese HipHop Music.
As i said: The Album is as good as finished. Basically there are just two more tracks and then it's done.
I'm currently trying to pick up the pace, so i can finally present you this new joint.
Until then: Feel free to share this Post with everyone, to let everyone know that there is something HUGE coming.
Thanks for all your support so far, and let me know what you think about the artwork or about the Album in general, by leaving a comment below this Post.
Oh, and as a little teaser, here is the first Track from my Album:

*Edit* (02/24/2013)
I have just finished the Track "日本の。。。"
It has a total runtime of 13 minutes and 35 Seconds.
As i said: I don't rap on this Track. I produced a simple drum kit (inspired by "E"QUAL's Song "Original No. 1" and sampled a LOT of traditional japnese Music.
If you want to know what exactly i sampled on this Track. There you go:
Eri Chiemi-Kiso bushi
Shamisen (Album)-Gidayuu; Kiyari Ondo
Shamisen (Album)-Shin-nai; Ranchou
Takahashi Chikuzan-Ringo bushi

Traditional Japanese Vocal & Instrumental Music (Album)-Ogi no mato
Traditional Japanese Vocal & Instrumental Music (Album)-Esashi oiwake

Tsurata Kinshi-Biwa, The World of Tsuruta Kinshi (Album): Shunkan
Tsurata Kinshi-Biwa, The World of Tsuruta Kinshi (Album): Yoshitsune
Tsurata Kinshi-Biwa, The World of Tsuruta Kinshi (Album): Dannoura

Yoshida Brothers-Kodo (Hishou version)
Yoshida Brothers-Panorama

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Gay? No way!

Yeah, i know it's a bit late, but better late than never, right?

However, i know i'm not posting very much, but i actually plan to change that.
I'm planning to post on this Blog whenever there is something in the world going on that either disgusts me or makes me go like "AWWWWWYEAAAAH!"

And this time it is this:

(IMPORTANT: Note that i'm being sarcastic at the beginning. I say that almost at the end of this post, but keep this in mind while you'r reading.)
So what do we have here? A protest against Justin Bieber? Or a "What have u done?" protest against Justin Bieber's parents (which could most likely be, if you take a look at the 3rd picture.)
No. It is OF COURSE a massive protest in france against gay marriage.
I think this protest lies in the past already, i think it occured sometime in January(?) so it may be a bit outdated, but i still want to give you my opinions about this middle-age parade.

All i can say is: I support this hilbilly parade to 100%! All these men and women who participated in this protest (who would probably have no remorse to burn gay people on a stake if we would still live in the middle ages) are not afraid to say that, what every normal human being with no brain thinks:
That is:
There is no place in this world for gay people!
If you are gay, you should mark yourself with a star that says "Gay".
If gay people are married, they shouldn't have the same rights as heterosexual couples, because heterosexual couples are like the "alpha males" of couples. They are right - and gay couples are wrong. Always.
Gay people should live a lie until the end of their lives. Which means that gay men have to marry women, and gay women have to marry men, simply because the protesters want it like that. Feelings of gay people doesn't matter because, as already mentioned: They are wrong.

And what if they have a baby? OH MY! Those hilbilly kids would actually bully this poor little kid because it has 2 mothers or 2 fathers. Ohhh would some please pass me my aromatic salt?

Your value as a human and your dignity is not meassured by your job, what you have accomplished so far or by your friends. No. It is meassured by your sexual interests. Just think about Elton John. He isn't really gay, he's actually hetero, he just wants the world to believe that he's gay, to give gay people some courage.

As i said: I totally support this hilbilly parade to 100% because i have legit right to know what other people are doing behind closed doors, because... er...

With all honesty: Those people just prooved to themselves that their brains are stuck somewhere in the middle ages. I mean: Why does it matter if someone is gay or not? Look at them. They are human beings for f's sake!
It is the same as to discrimate someone because of his color. That's just plain idiotic.
I don't care what people do behind closed doors, why should i?

What do you guys think about this stupid, meaningless protests in France or homophobic people in general? Is there still hope that they will grow up or will they stay ignorant and brain afk for a longer time?
Let me know.