Thursday, August 15, 2013

Web Book: Outbreak Z (Prologue / Zombies)


Before i'm gonna start this off, i wanted to let you beautiful folks out there know what i always wanted to do.
One of the things i always wanted to do sooner or later was writing a book and in the past i tried that a couple of times, but i always stopped at some point. I was either getting bored or i didn't know anything about the topic i wanted to write about but now i am geared up and ready to turn my wish into reality, because i got a topic that i'm really interested in lately and i really want to write a book about it. So in irregular periods (aka whenever i have the time and the ideas) i'm going to release a new chapter to this web book, that i call


To let you all know: It is going to be a book about a zombie apocalypse. I'm totally interested in that topic lately, because i'm currently playing a s*** load of Left 4 Dead 2 and i'm going to read the book "World war Z" in the next couple of days and i listened to a broadcast about that topic and it sounded so interesting on how people would react if a zombie apocalypse is about to break out, that i got even more intersted in the whole topic.
Right now i don't have any ideas about characters, or the story in general. I'm either going to do some brain storming oor i'm going to write each and every chapter on the spot, so that not even i know what is going to happen.
And one more thing: I'm actually planning to involve you guys into the book, i want to make this an interactive book. Which means that, if you have any ideas or if you want to be present in the book or if you have any ideas for interesting characters, feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below. So far i didn't plan anything for the main character, but i'm gonna do that tomorrow. For now i want to give you an information on what kind of zombies the character(s) are going to face in this book:


Throughout the history of gaming, shows and movies we have seen several types of Zombies. We have seen the traditional slow, moaning, limping Zombies and their only desire is to eat human flesh and we have seen fast, strong, running Zombies with abnormal strength, as seen in Left 4 Dead or... that one Zombie movie (sorry, but i forgot the name.)
However. Here is a quick observation of what kind of Zombies the survivors in "OUTBREAK Z" have to deal with:

Point one: The movement
The Zombies in "OUTBREAK Z" are the traditional slow, limping ones but they can make a short dive when they grab a non-infected person.

Point two: Senses
They can't see or think. The only way they can sense a non-infected is by smell and noise but they are more sensitive to noises than they are to scents.

Point three: Strength
The Zombies in this book may be slow, but their hunger for human flesh is very strong, so once they grab your arm, ankle or whatever, they won't let go, which means that they are stronger than usual.

Point four: How to kill a Zombie
The only way to kill a zombie is by bashing his brain in. If the brain isn't destroyed or stabbed, the zombie will always get back up on his feet or crawl.

Point six: How the infection works
The "Zombie virus" consists of thousands of bacteria inside the body of a zombie. That virus circulates through his whole body and that's why a bite or direct contact with blood from a zombie results in an infection.
If a person is infected, it takes about 1 hour until it reaches the central nervous system. Once the virus takes over that part, it takes another 30 minutes until the person turns into a Zombie.

Point five: How to get infected
The only way to get infected, is if a person gets bitten by an infected, if a person happens to swallow blood from a Zombie or if the blood of a zombie gets in contact with an open wound of a non-infected.