Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Gay? No way!

Yeah, i know it's a bit late, but better late than never, right?

However, i know i'm not posting very much, but i actually plan to change that.
I'm planning to post on this Blog whenever there is something in the world going on that either disgusts me or makes me go like "AWWWWWYEAAAAH!"

And this time it is this:

(IMPORTANT: Note that i'm being sarcastic at the beginning. I say that almost at the end of this post, but keep this in mind while you'r reading.)
So what do we have here? A protest against Justin Bieber? Or a "What have u done?" protest against Justin Bieber's parents (which could most likely be, if you take a look at the 3rd picture.)
No. It is OF COURSE a massive protest in france against gay marriage.
I think this protest lies in the past already, i think it occured sometime in January(?) so it may be a bit outdated, but i still want to give you my opinions about this middle-age parade.

All i can say is: I support this hilbilly parade to 100%! All these men and women who participated in this protest (who would probably have no remorse to burn gay people on a stake if we would still live in the middle ages) are not afraid to say that, what every normal human being with no brain thinks:
That is:
There is no place in this world for gay people!
If you are gay, you should mark yourself with a star that says "Gay".
If gay people are married, they shouldn't have the same rights as heterosexual couples, because heterosexual couples are like the "alpha males" of couples. They are right - and gay couples are wrong. Always.
Gay people should live a lie until the end of their lives. Which means that gay men have to marry women, and gay women have to marry men, simply because the protesters want it like that. Feelings of gay people doesn't matter because, as already mentioned: They are wrong.

And what if they have a baby? OH MY! Those hilbilly kids would actually bully this poor little kid because it has 2 mothers or 2 fathers. Ohhh would some please pass me my aromatic salt?

Your value as a human and your dignity is not meassured by your job, what you have accomplished so far or by your friends. No. It is meassured by your sexual interests. Just think about Elton John. He isn't really gay, he's actually hetero, he just wants the world to believe that he's gay, to give gay people some courage.

As i said: I totally support this hilbilly parade to 100% because i have legit right to know what other people are doing behind closed doors, because... er...

With all honesty: Those people just prooved to themselves that their brains are stuck somewhere in the middle ages. I mean: Why does it matter if someone is gay or not? Look at them. They are human beings for f's sake!
It is the same as to discrimate someone because of his color. That's just plain idiotic.
I don't care what people do behind closed doors, why should i?

What do you guys think about this stupid, meaningless protests in France or homophobic people in general? Is there still hope that they will grow up or will they stay ignorant and brain afk for a longer time?
Let me know.

1 comment:

Alesand said...

Never knew France held such protests.